Myth Origination
"A myth or wives tale is created by assuming what you did was the reason for what you see" -The Anvil
-Moles live 3-4 years, may have died
-Moles move around, most likely moved over
-Moles don't know property lines
-Moles always look for easier digging / easier food
-Your tactic didn't produce a body
-Your poison worms or blaring Brittany Spears did not take care of your mole.
-You didn't scare your mole to your neighbors house.. moles will often not make mounds for weeks
-Owl / Cat / Dog / Racoon could have nabbed it.
-Moles are not affraid of sound or vibration.
-Moles do not care if you step on their mounds.
-Moles don't care if their tunnels smell awful
-Moles are great swimmers, can even dig backwards. Your hose may have scared one up but you didn't drown it. They swim through flooded tunnels and cross creeks with ease.
-Moles need very little oxygen and can handle high levels of Co2. Your exhaust or flare does nothing.
-Moles carry almost zero diseases and have no known illneses that can damage a population.
-They have no natural predators anymore, their fur has a musky stink that deters curious animals.
-Coyotes, Wolves, Cats / Dogs do not target them. Owls and Racoons have been known to eat them but only certain times of the year.